AccessiBe – Cost-Effective and Comprehensive Web Accessibility Overlay for Small Business Owners

Most small business owners often overlook web accessibility on their sites. This subject is attracting a lot of popularity due to the surge in ADA lawsuits pertaining to accessibility issues. However, businesses, especially small businesses, find it really hard to incorporate the implemented practice due to the fact that web accessibility done in a manual manner is expensive. Now the question is how?
If you examine the websites of most small business owners, you will find they generally use templates. The creators of these templates never have the subject of web accessibility in mind, and this is where small businesses suffer and, in some cases, become the victims of non-compliance issues and lawsuits, costing their business dear.
Getting hold of a web developer to fix accessibility problems on their site is very expensive, plus they also have to bear maintenance costs. This is why most small business owners fail to arrest their web accessibility issues, which causes them many problems and tensions.
Understand the two distinct applications of AccessiBe
AccessiBe is a widely popular name in the field of web accessibility. It is widely sought after by small business owners primarily because of its advantages in modifying the site faster and more affordable. This unique tool optimizes two components that attain WCAG compliance. There are – the foreground and the background applications.
Foreground application
The foreground application manages the user interface of the website and the requirements for design accessibility. People with disabilities can adjust the UI of the site for their individual needs. They can make changes to the handling of color, font, highlight content, resort to audio muting animations, give users a search engine for permitting users with cognitive disabilities to decipher the meanings of phrases and words.
The background application
The background application of this unique tool is empowered with both artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies. They optimize the levels of web accessibility of your site every 24 hours. The tool’s AI engine checks and remediates the HTML of the site, arresting issues in accessibility, behavior, and functionality, for helping blind users who need screen readers to deploy them for navigating the site. This feature also helps users with motor impairments to navigate through the site with a keyboard.
Thanks to the above two applications, this unique web accessibility solution is cost-effective and comprehensive in nature. Small business owners no longer have to be worried about compliance issues, and they can focus on the other core matters of their companies with success.
AccessiBe can work on all web browsers, which is what makes it an amazing alternative to manual processes for fixing web accessibility issues. The tool can be simply installed, and it runs automatically. The business can focus on its core functions, knowing that its site is up to date when it comes to compliance and accessibility. In this way, the small business can gain a competitive edge in the market and surge ahead without anxiety about legal compliance and accessibility.